Kale, Kale the Gang’s All Here

Kale, kale, the gang’s all here

What the heck do we care

What the heck do we care

Kale, kale the gang’s all here

What the heck do we care now?

May is the month that the earth bursts forth with green-ness and song.  What better way to celebrate than to join in and sing this  old Celtic song? 

What the heck is  WD talking about now?   

Let me “splain”- I have found that different people eat different foods.  I know this is a surprise to most of you but it is true.  There are people who actually eat the wild cabbage of a plant called Kale.

Why would they do that you might ask.

  • ·        Kale looks like gnarly romaine lettuce.
  • ·        Kale can taste bitter.
  • ·        Kale often contains  pesticide residue.
  • ·        Kale is a vegetable..

At this point you are probably singing in your head.  Kale, kale, what the heck do I care…

So, here is why it behooves you to care.  (Don’t you like to use the word behooves?  It sounds so proper and honorable  What the heck do you care….) 

  • ·        Kale is one of the most nutrient dense foods to eat. 
  • ·        Kale, cooked, contains only 36 calories per cup.  You can eat 10 cups of Kale to equal one protein bar. 
  • ·        Kale naturally lowers LDL cholesterol.
  • ·        Kale reduces the risk for the most prevalent and deadly cancers.
  • ·        Kale lowers oxidative stress and inflammation, meaning it keeps you young and reduces arthritis, diabetes and heart disease.

For you naysayers here is how to make Kale edible.  ( Don’t you love to use the word naysayer?  It is so…what the heck do you care?)

  • ·        Choose younger, fresher leaves of Kale.  They are less bitter.
  • ·        Choose organic Kale and wash well to reduce pesticide residue.   

Prepare Kale as follows: 

  • ·        Wash well.
  • ·        Chop into small bite sized pieces.
  • ·        Chop fresh apples (also organic) into similar size pieces.
  • ·        Add enough water to just cover.  Cook over medium heat until tender, about 10 minutes.
  • ·        Combine the cooked Kale and Apples with pine nuts and feta cheese. 
  • ·        Stir into cooked whole grain pasta.
  • ·         Drizzle with olive oil.

Voila!  Dinner in 10 minutes.  (Don’t you love to use the word Voila…)

Kale, kale the gang’s all here.

Now I hope you DO care.


Blog written by Kansas City Dietitian Glenna Moe



Mary Kate Meyer, MS, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian

Hi, I’m Mary Kate. I love to try new foods and explore new restaurants and coffee shops, and even went on a homemade bagel-making kick this summer! My interest in nutrition started in middle school with my mom adding more veggies to our meals and making them taste interesting and fun, which sparked my interest to help her cook and learn more about how the food we eat impacts us every day. Over the years, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact that proper nutrition and daily fueling can have on overall health. Like many of my clients, I have faced challenges with my own gut health and hormonal changes, so I can relate to the frustrations and fatigue that come with seeking relief. Through personalized care and tailored nutrition, I discovered the keys to my health, and my goal is to help others bring their sense of vitality back! 


Mary Kate Meyer, MS, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian


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