Another Lachanophobiac Cured by Kansas City Dietitian

This is my friend, Steve.  He came to me wanting to be cured of his Lachanophobia.  It has been a long and arduous trek for Steve.  He has had to taste things like Beet Hummus and Berries and Flaxseed Smoothies.  He gave me permission to share this photo of him as he bravely tries a salad for the very first time.  See his smile?  He is brave. 


 Here is the “after” photo.

This smile may seem a bit forced, but, he survived. 





Everyone saw Steve’s success and decided they might work on their lachanophobia, too. 





 Steve is on his way toward becoming a Lachanophiliac as are these  other brave souls.

*Special thanks to Steve and all of my wonderful co-workers for being good sports when I try to get them to try something “D’Lish”.  They have survived edamame and quinoa and veggies of all sizes and shapes.   Even after all of this they  are  still speaking to me, I hope.  You are, aren’t you, guys? …Guys?…Hey Guys, wait….. 


Mary Kate Meyer, MS, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian

Hi, I’m Mary Kate. I love to try new foods and explore new restaurants and coffee shops, and even went on a homemade bagel-making kick this summer! My interest in nutrition started in middle school with my mom adding more veggies to our meals and making them taste interesting and fun, which sparked my interest to help her cook and learn more about how the food we eat impacts us every day. Over the years, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact that proper nutrition and daily fueling can have on overall health. Like many of my clients, I have faced challenges with my own gut health and hormonal changes, so I can relate to the frustrations and fatigue that come with seeking relief. Through personalized care and tailored nutrition, I discovered the keys to my health, and my goal is to help others bring their sense of vitality back! 


Mary Kate Meyer, MS, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian


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